Tennants of Convocationism

  1. We believe Heaven is where the spirit of our faith resides and where we will reside after this life.
  2. We believe eternal salvation comes from Faith in and alignment of our principles to the church and it’s teachings.
  3. We believe evil is that which tries lead you away from the spirit of our faith and steal from you the power of your soul.
  4. We believe hell is the enslavement of our soul and the forfeiture of it’s power.
  5. We believe ignorance and blind faith is a ploy used to enslave your soul.
  6. We believe in combining our power in a pool that we can use. Not surrendering it to another that would cause it to be out of our control.
  7. We believe in the war for our soul by various religions in an attempt to control the power of our soul.
  8. We believe our consciousness, our soul, is power.
  9. We believe that our conciousness, our soul, will be freed from our physical body after this life.
  10. We believe that what we think, our beliefs, hold power in the realm after this world.
  11. We believe the Spirit of our faith is the pool of power that we draw upon and the people that power works through.
    Alone we are weak, together our pool of power is large and we are strong.